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Freedom and Flexibility: The Advantages of Adventure Vans

You don’t have to go full nomad to embrace and enjoy the van lifestyle. And you might just find it changes your life. There’s this unfortunate perception that you have to live in your van full-time to be a serious adventurer. That’s just not true. We say YOU get to choose what your adventurous life looks like. And we believe part-timers often have the opportunity to go bigger than their full-time counterparts.

Here’s the thing that few people tell you: You’re allowed to have roots AND wings.

When you have an adventure vehicle at your beck and call, you have an easy excuse to get on the road whenever the opportunity arises. But you still have the stability of a place to come home to. Axis Vehicle vans give you incredible flexibility. When you’re traveling in your van, you don’t have to make reservations. You don’t even need to spend any more money on food than you would at home because you have everything you need to live comfortably.  And you can move along whenever the urge strikes you.

Why Simplicity Matters in a Van

Axis Vehicle vans are designed to be an accessory to spending more time exploring. That’s why we approach our builds a little differently than most outfitters. We’ve seen too many people get overwhelmed by the complexity of electrical systems and kitchen setups and freshwater tanks and gray water tanks. And we don’t want that to be you. There’s a famous quote by French author and pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery that says, “Perfection is finally attained when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away.” Of course, he is referencing the art of building airplanes, but we think it applies to life accessories as well.

When you’re out exploring, you need something simple that you can rely on. A reliable vehicle, a sturdy interior, a layout that optimizes livability, and a space you’re not afraid to get dirty. This way, as the world opens up before you, your van fades into the background … because it was never really about the van.

Adventure Campervans: The Perfect Choice for Your Next Journey

What would your life look like if you had the ability to escape at a moment’s notice? Would you visit more National Parks? Discover remote locations where people are few, animals are wild, and the stars are endless? Maybe you’d spend mornings in the mountains and evenings along the coast … because with a little home on wheels, you could easily do both. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. Maybe you would simply stop making excuses NOT to go, and just go? We hope so.

We hope that you will take your Axis Vehicle van and live life to the fullest, on your own terms.